Dr. Devan Ray Donaldson is an Associate Professor of Information Science in the Department of Information and Library Science (ILS) in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington, where he directs the Master of Library Science program as well as specializations in Archives and Records Management and Digital Content, Curation, and Collections (DC3). Donaldson is also Affiliated Faculty with the Data Science Program and the Data to Insight Center (D2I) at Indiana University. His research interests include: archives, digital preservation, digital repositories, data sharing practices, data quality, mass digitization, research data management, trust, and security. His research has been funded by the University of Michigan, Indiana University, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Regenstrief Institute, and the United States Department of Energy.
He holds a Ph.D. in Information from the University of Michigan, a M.S. in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.A. in History from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. In 2005, he studied abroad at Oxford University, Hertford College.
He has been a Bill Gates Millennium Scholar (2002-2015), a Horace H. Rackham Merit Fellow (2008-2015), an Edward Alexander Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Member since 2012, and a Research Data Alliance (RDA) US Data Share Fellow (2015-2016). Donaldson is a recipient of the Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award (2017-2018) and the Luddy Faculty Recognition Award (2024). Donaldson was appointed to the Biomedical Informatics, Library and Data Science (BILDS) Review Committee for the National Library of Medicine (2018-2021). He was recently selected to participate in the inaugural cohort of the Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER) at Indiana University’s Bloomington campus.
Donaldson actively participates in a broad range of service activities. For the ILS department, he serves as Chair of the ILS Curriculum Committee and Chair of the MLS Curriculum Review Task Force. He also serves on the ILS Admissions Committee, the ILS Scholarships Committee, the ILS Faculty Search Committee, and the ILS Merit Review Committee. He also co-advises the Student Chapter of the American Library Association (ALA-SC). For the Luddy School, Donaldson serves on the Strategic Visioning Committee and the Faculty Policy Committee. Internationally, he is co-founder and co-chair of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Early Career and Engagement Interest Group (ECEIG) and co-chair of the Repository Platforms for Research Data Interest Group (RPRDIG).