Advising & Tutoring

Your advisor is an expert on three things: Luddy, IU, and you

Find the help you need, when you need it. The Luddy Graduate Studies office is your resource from the time you start in Luddy until you complete your degree. Our staff have the experience to guide you every step of the way. We offer online and in-person advising.

Your Luddy advisor can help you:

Career coaching

The staff at Luddy Career Services will help you with everything from defining your career goals to navigating job offers. Learn about career coaching and other services.

Luddy Academic Advising services

The Luddy Academic Advising team offers online advising as well as limited in-person advising sessions.


Students exploring Luddy degrees and wishing to meet with a member of the Luddy team can schedule an appointment with Maria Clor, using the Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) and searching for "Maria Clor." Please indicate your intended major in the appointment reason field and any notes that you would like to discuss.


You’ll have one or more advisors in your department. Learn more from your department.

In-person students:

Online students:

Luddy undergraduate minors and certificates

Students who are majoring in a non-Luddy degree and are earning an undergraduate Luddy minor or certificate or would like to learn more about a Luddy minor or certificate, can schedule an appointment with Anna Bednarski, Associate Director and Student Services Generalist.

Schedule an advising appointment

Explore all our majors in one class

Undergraduates can take SICE-Y 100 that introduces you to informatics, computer science, and intelligent systems engineering—including career options in these fields. We offer this 1 credit class for undergraduates during the first eight weeks and second eight weeks of the fall and spring semesters.

Find Luddy courses