Student Internship help

Real-world experience is a valuable part of any educational program

Luddy provides students the opportunity to earn academic credit toward graduation while building their professional skills. There are a number of paths students can take to develop their background in their chosen field, and Luddy career services can help you find the perfect situation to blend your education with experience.

I391 Internship in Informatics Professional Practice

Our I391 Internship in Informatics Professional Practice course gives students the opportunity to earn 1-3 credits per semester while building experience in a professional activity representative of Informatics.

I491 Capstone Project Internship

Our I491 Capstone Project Internship allows students to fulfill their capstone requirement while also building experience in a professional setting involving a substantial technical component that provides the intern with learning opportunities that stretches an individual’s skillset in a non-trivial manner.

Y399 Project in Professional Practice

The Y399 Project in Professional Practice course allows students to receive credit for designing, executing, and documenting a project assignment selected in consultation with an employer. It must involve a project for which the student has substantial independent involvement as well as close supervision by the employer.

ILS-Z605 Internship in Information Library Services

Our Z605 affords students the opportunity to earn credit for an internship that builds experience in the skills of a supervisory role, including the chance to take an active part in program planning, task analysis, program implementation, and more. This course typically requires students to work independently or with minimal supervision, and it is usually taken during your final semester.

Internship and research strategies

Tell us about your internships and more

Ready to report your internship or fulltime position and be part of the IUB Luddy success story? Report your experiences in 12Twenty.

How to report in 12Twenty

Interviewing tools

Big interview

A new digital platform that Luddy Bloomington students can use to learn and practice interview skills. With Big Interview you can get hands-on training with mock interviews that are tailored to your specific industry, job, and experience level.

Case interviewing

A case interview is a job interview with business content where you will interact with an interviewer to analyze and solve case studies of business problems. We have tips on how to prepare.

Luddy Career Services offers Case Mock Interviewing sessions during the school year.

Schedule a Case Mock Interview

Technical interviewing

To understand your technical skills, an employer may ask you to participate in a technical interview where your technical knowledge is easily analyzed. We can help you understand your technical skills

Luddy Career Services offers Technical Mock Interviewing sessions during the school year.

Schedule a Technical Mock Interview