Graduate Advising

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Find who to contact based on your program. To schedule a meeting with a staff advisor, email your assigned contact. You can find contact information via the SOAR portal in One.IU.

If you want to meet with a faculty member about a program, find the contact information for each program’s faculty advisor below.

Faculty advisor
Volker Brendel,
Director of Bioinformatics
Professor of Biology and Computer Science

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisor for M.S. students
Mary Ann Miller
Associate Director of Student Services

Faculty advisor
Yan Huang,
Director of Graduate Studies for Computer Science

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisors for M.S. students
Joy Kremer
Assistant Director of Student Services

J.T. Post
Assistant Director of Student Services

Faculty advisor
Patrick Shih
Director of Graduate Studies for Data Science
Associate Professor of Informatics

Staff advisor
Jasynda Radanovich
Graduate Manager

Faculty advisor
Patrick Shih,
Director of Graduate Studies for Data Science
Associate Professor of Informatics

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisors for M.S. students
Joy Kremer
Assistant Director of Student Services

J.T. Post
Assistant Director of Student Services

Faculty advisors
Colin Gray,
HCI/d M.S. Director
Associate Professor of Informatics

Nathan Ensmenger,
Informatics Ph.D. and M.S. Director
Associate Professor of Informatics

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisor for M.S. students
Mary Ann Miller
Associate Director of Student Services

Faculty advisors
Howard Rosenbaum,
Director of Graduate Programs for Information and Library Science, MIS Program Director
Professor of Information Science

Pnina Fichman,
Information Science Ph.D. Program Director
Professor of Information Science

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisor for M.S. students
Mary Ann Miller
Associate Director of Student Services

Faculty advisor
Eleftherios Garyfallidis,
Director of Graduate Studies for Intelligent Systems Engineering
Associate Professor of Intelligent Systems Engineering

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisor for M.S. students
Mary Ann Miller
Associate Director of Student Services

Faculty advisor
Devan Donaldson,
MLS Program Director
Professor of Information Science

Staff advisor for M.S. students
Mary Ann Miller
Associate Director of Student Services

Faculty advisor
Jean Camp,
Director of Secure Computing
Professor of Informatics

Staff advisor for Ph.D. students
Josh Kemp
Associate Director of Student Services

Staff advisor for M.S. students
Mary Ann Miller
Associate Director of Student Services

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