Researching Research

Research Questions

Yes! There are over 350+ IU research centers and institutes in all areas of study.

  • Research allows you to explore different disciplines within and outside of your major program of study.
  • Studies show students who participate in research earn better grades, are more likely to graduate, and are better equipped for graduate school or careers.
  • Gain mentors.
  • Stretch learning outside of the classroom and into practical spaces.
  • Bolster your resume for job and graduate school applications.
  • Possibly earn academic year and summer credit.

Apply for Scholarships and Research Programs like:

Examine your interests and explore the Luddy Faculty Research Directory to see what topics are currently being researched right here at Luddy.

Try to gain a foundational set of practical skills such as data analysis and coding courses, statistics, or even a research methodology or ethics course.

Approach instructors, associate instructors, and undergraduate instructors in classes that you are enjoying and ask them about any opportunities they know of to get involved. Attending office hours is a great way to build a relationship with these stakeholders.

Explore the different research labs at the Luddy School by attending research colloquiums (talks) or doing online research through the website that includes different Luddy research centers and labs.

Craft a strong resume or curriculum vitae that can accompany an email to different labs or instructors. When sending your emails:


  • Identify yourself.
  • Use your IU email.
  • Address the person you are emailing.
  • Explain why you are interested and qualified.
  • Research the faculty member and their projects.
  • Make it easy to set up a meeting by including dates and times you are available.
  • Include a relevant subject heading such as “Seeking Research Opportunity”


  • Send generic emails to multiple professors at once. You need to make a personalized email to one professor at a time.
  • Forget to proofread.
  • Give up! If you need help, contact Career Services.

Example Email Template

Dear Dr. Professor,

My name is Jane Matics and I am a student in your Monday/Wednesday section of Animal Computer Interactions. I am reaching out because I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in your class and want learn more about this topic. I noticed you are the head of the Animal Computer Interactions lab on campus and I was hoping to set up a time to meet with you to learn more about the work you do there and if there is anyway for me to get involved in your research projects. I have experience in statistical analysis and visualization from taking various data visualization courses here at IU. I have attached my resume that displays this and my other experience.I am hoping that this skillset may be useful and am hoping to discuss this more with you if we get a chance to meet.

I am generally available Mondays and Wednesdays between 8am and noon, and Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2pm and 6pm. Please let me know if you would be willing to meet during any of these times. I am also happy to meet at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jane Matics, ACI Undergraduate Student