The School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) Kaser Lecture series is named in honor of David Kaser, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, who studied, wrote, and taught extensively in the areas of academic libraries, library history, library buildings, and printing. Professor Kaser retired in 1991 after 18 years at SLIS.
Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President and Chief Strategist of OCLC, is the invited speaker for the 2012 David Kaser Lecture Series. The OCLC website has this profile:
"Lorcan Dempsey oversees the research division and participates in planning at OCLC. He is a librarian who has worked for library and educational organizations in Ireland, England and the US. Lorcan has policy, research and service development experience, mostly in the area of networked information and digital libraries. He writes and speaks extensively, and can be followed on the web at Lorcan Dempsey's weblog and on twitter. Before moving to OCLC Lorcan worked for JISC in the UK, overseeing national information programs and services, and before that was Director of UKOLN a national UK research and policy unit at the University of Bath. Lorcan is Irish, and before moving to the UK he worked in public libraries in Dublin, Ireland."
4:00 p.m.
School of Informatics and Computing (SoIC)
Informatics East, Room 130
The talk title and abstract are included here:
• The Research Library: Scalable Efficiency and Scalable Learning
I borrow part of my title from words used by John Hagel and colleagues to talk about the challenges facing organizations in a reconfigured network environment. My talk will focus on how the network has changed the way libraries need to think about what they do and how they position themselves at an organizational level, rather than at the level of individual services. Indiana University has been a pioneer in thinking about scalable efficiency as it has looked at multi-institutional solutions (Hathi Trust, Sakai, ...). Increasingly, research libraries will look at collaborative ways of sourcing local infrastructure as institutional attention shifts to deeper engagement with changing research and learning behaviors on campus. But what forms does such engagement take? And as libraries participate more fully in the processes of research and learning how will they be adaptive and responsive, becoming organizations that can scale the learning and innovation that is required to keep pace with changes in the scholarly environment?
A stream has been scheduled for the talk:
Conference number (dial this from your IU videoconferencing room): 243016
Live URL: http://www.indiana.edu/~video/stream/liveflash.html?filename=Kaser_Lecture
Archive URL: http://www.indiana.edu/~video/stream/launchflash.html?folder=istream&filename=Kaser_Lecture_20121005.mp4
Streams are typically scheduled to begin 5 minutes earlier and end 5 minutes later than the actual event. For information about connecting to videoconferences, please see http://kb.iu.edu/data/ause.html.
For assistance, please contact the IU Video Help Desk at: 812-856-2020.
Please note the hash tags to use during Lorcan Dempsey's lecture: #scalelib #iuslis
Lorcan Dempsey's Twitter handle is: @lorcanD.
Posted September 17, 2012