The Computing, Culture and Society (CCS) research group focuses on the relationship between technological innovation and larger social, political, legal, and economic developments. From social media and artificial intelligence, gaming, domestic and workplace applications, little data and Big Data, to mobile technologies and giant server farms, computing technologies are a constant presence in our lives. A highly interdisciplinary group, CCS faculty draw on rich, multidisciplinary backgrounds and a correspondingly wide range of methods in their work, including case-based, design, ethnographic, experimental, historical, survey, and visual methods.
See faculty in Computing, Culture and SocietyStudying technology’s impact on the world
Technologies of Everyday Life
Study the histories, cultures, and social impacts of gaming, social media, the Internet of Things, and more.
Artificial Intelligence and Human Robot Interaction
Identify the assumptions, uses, and effects of our interactions with and reliance on AI.
Political Economy of Computing
Situate computing within the context of historical developments, socioeconomic systems, legal and regulatory frameworks, governance structures, and social policies and agendas.
Technological Innovation
Assess the historical, current, and future impacts of science, technology, and society on each other and the environment.
Identity and Technology
Understand relationships between identity and technology, including race, class, gender and politics.
Infrastructure & Technology
Explore the structures of modern life as they are shaped and ordered by mundane yet largely invisible networks of human-machine configurations.