Herbert White, Distinguished Professor Emeritus and former Dean of the School of Library and Information Science at IU, will receive an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters at Commencement, May 10, 2003. He was nominated by the Bloomington Library Faculty Council and is only the second person affiliated with librarianship to be awarded an IU honorary degree in Bloomington.
White will present a lecture on changes in the library profession. All are invited to attend.
Friday, May 9, 2003
SLIS Auditorium, Library 033
White had a long and distinguished career in special and corporate librarianship with IBM, NASA, and ISI before joining SLIS in the early 1970s. He served as Dean of SLIS from 1979-1991. He has written many books and articles, including his most recent book, Librarianship-Quo Vadis? (2000), and a column called the "White Papers" that appeared in Library Journal from 1985-1999. He has served as president of the Special Library Association and the American Society of Information Science, and has been the recipient of many prestigious awards including the Melvil Dewey Medal from the American Library Association, the John Cotton Dana Award from the Special Library Association, and the Watson Davis Award from ASIS (now ASIST).
Posted May 05, 2003